Monday, March 22, 2010

Another Face of Jos Crisis

I hesitated for a while before blogging about the Jos crisis again because of my latest discovery about the crisis especially as it concerns the media coverage of the whole event as I did not want to help this evil agenda of those who are aptly described as the cabal of Nigerian politics who will stop at nothing to plunder this nation through corrupt leadership. I decided to write this so that the world will read between the lines of the media coverage of this crisis.

Let me quickly say here that this piece is not meant to make light of the happenings in the state especially since November 2008, I cannot in any way make light of it because I have been affected by the crisis personally. May be I should say here that the two of the three young boys on national service murdered in 2008 were members of my Church and I had a chat with the three of them in Church the Sunday before they were brutally killed, it doesn’t get closer than that. But I must say here that the January 2010 crisis which seem to have continued till this moment has been hijacked by some unscrupulous politicians in conjunction with the media to conceal some equally crucial if not more critical national crisis. The media has been complicit in this crisis and the love for rumours by Nigerians comes in handy. Did you receive the sms or email about the acid rain purportedly issued by NASA? Well I can authoritatively inform you that the mail did not originate from NASA, my staff checked the NASA website and there was nothing of such. Back to Jos crisis, for anyone who resides outside Plateau State, the impression being given is that Jos city is actually in a war situation with shootings and sounds of explosives all over the city. I have to send a mail t0 Channels Television to complain about the manner they reported the carnage in Dogo Hawan where innocent people were killed, the impression the media gave the whole world was that this was happening in Jos as this will create a more alarming situation than it being reported as happening in a village.

I see a hidden agenda in all of this as the media has filled both the print and the electronic media with the Jos news to the total neglect of the where about of the President of the largest black nation on earth. I would have loved a situation where the happening in Plateau state is reported as a fraction of the major constitutional crisis which the nation is currently facing. Those who want to keep this nation bound to the stone age are using the Jos Crisis to divert the attention of the nation away from the Yar’ Ädua saga which in my opinion is most crucial right now – Jonathan acting as President not withstanding. If we are not careful we will in our usual manner forget this cancer growing in our system, we must not focus our attention on ringworm when cancer is ravaging our system. Infact the situation in Jos is not unconnected with our defective national arrangement. These power drunk humans are working over time to make sure that the crisis in Jos does not stop either by fuelling tribal and religious sentiments in the media or out rightly sponsoring those jobless and vulnerable  citizens, arming them with weapons so that the nations attention is kept away from Abuja and focussed on my beloved city.

The main issue which I believe should be on the lips of every Nigerian and which should colour the pages of newspapers and splashed on TV screens is the Yar’Adua issue and not Jos crisis. The Jos crisis if it is going to be reported should be reported as a microcosm of this constitutional crisis facing our nation – THE WHERE ABOUT AND HEALTH CONDITION OF  PRESIDENT YAR ADUA.

1 comment:

Gadgetsville said...

There is always a media agenda in every nation, but the Nigeria case is discomforting. The recent revelation about the chief editor of Punch Newspaper talks of the rottenness of our media. Jos crisis' case has been over-celebrated.