Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Where is our President?

I was so delighted yesterday when I saw Femi Falana, the President of West African Bar Association and some other chieftains of the Nigerian Bar Association took the protest against the unconstitutional conduct of our president to the law courts yesterday. I was beginning to exercise the fear that this issue might just go away and Nigerians continue their “normal life”as other equally critical issues go in Nigeria, but I am hopeful that our attitude is changing. We, Nigerians have this laid back attitude against injustice, we tend to just don’t want anything that will disturb the rhythm of societal decay. When there is no power from Power Holding Company, we buy generator; when there is no fuel in the pump stations, we are quick to adjust our pockets even it means getting into debt to purchase from the black market touts. This is one attitude that we desperately need to change.

Our President has been out of the country since the 23rd of November 2009 and his where about  is unknown; it has also been claimed in the media that one of the reasons why the US government was quick to classify Nigeria as a terrorist nation is because there is no credible person to negotiate with on the issue as we have become a body without a head.

The call for this “run away” president to do what is right by handing over the reigns of government to the Vice President must not allow to die until he does the right thing. It is true that the President is human and can be ill and i think this is major reason why the position of the Vice President was created in the first place, but Mr Yar’Adua is making us believe the contrary now & his mouthpiece, Mr Andoakaa is portraying the nation as a nation of barbarians by saying that the President can rule from anywhere in the world.

My prayers for Nigeria this year is for the nation to learn how to say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”; we need to learn the language of protest, let us take a cue from Iran. These so called leaders will not stop taking us for a ride if we we don’t rise up as responsible and civilised people.

We can only overcome by “not loving our lives even unto death” (Revelations 12:11)


Abiodun Coker said...

Mr. (i dont care)-the Attorney General has done much damage to the image of Nigeria. A few days ago, he was arguing that the President could attend to State affairs from anywhere since President Obama was doing a similar thing from Hawaii during Christmas break. He went further to state that Hawaii is in another time zone from Washington DC. What a puerile argument from a supposedly "learned gentleman".

Is he aware that Hawaii is part of the United States? It is like Mr President Yar'adua attending to state affairs from Obudu Ranch despite the distance. If I may ask, which break is Yar’adua observing?
The Attorney General’s comparison is odious. This is a rather unfortunate statement from a high ranking government official. It is an argument like this that puts Nigeria on terrorist list. It depicts leaders as not understanding the basics of governance

Unknown said...

True it is okay for "The President" to be sick... But there must come a time when we all confront the "charlatans" we call leaders and put an end to their expression of unintelligence. They must realise that not everything is about "politics"!!! We need leadership and governance not PDP or whatever! Perhaps Aondokaa would also say the President can run the state affairs from the grave if the President unfortunately "passes away"... The major issue for handling comes back to "our court" as a people... WE MUST STAND UP AND SAY "NO" TO THESE BUNCH OF POLITICIANS AND DEMAND LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE AT ALL COST!!!

Pnooell said...
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Pnooell said...

As patriotic as I am, there are just times that I feel abjectly ashamed to say I am a Nigerian. Andoakaa (Anaconda) is one of those reasons. To imagine that the guy is still in Government baffles me seriously. People like this should be flushed away completely from governance. He is such a shame!