Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Welcome to my Blog

This is to welcome you to my blog. My name is Dotun Reju, I pastor a Church in Jos City Nigeria.

This blog will be served every month and the focus will be on the Proceeding Word that I preach weekly in our Church "The Kingdom Citizens' Pavilion" here in Jos city Nigeria. It will also highlight excerpts from my personal journal especially as it concerns the state of the Church in Nigeria and the extent to which the Church is engaging in the social, economic, political and of course the spiritual realities of our nation.

My belief is that the purpose of the Church is not to meet on sundays and another day of the week for Bible study but to communicate God's opinion on all issues that affects mankind to the world in which the saints live.

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God Matthew 4:4 .

Thank you for visiting my blog, I am looking forward to heari ng from you

Pastor Dot


Didi said...


Finally visited your blog. I like the template, I had used it before. Okay, we await the proceeding word. that was just intro


chiggie said...

Looking forward to reading more.

Eldorado said...

Got roumd to visiting your blog finally. Look forward to reading whats the word proceeding from KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. For short!


Unknown said...

Was so blessed by your massage. God's present order. Please I will be very happy if I can get some of your materials. Remain bless and may God increase and bless you and the ministry God has entrust in your hands. You can get me Thanks