Friday, November 12, 2010

What's the Value of Human Life

How much is a human life worth in the 21st century especially with the widespread campaign of animal rights? I used to think it was a problem of the global North, but i am sure having a rethink...
I was a part of discussion some years ago about how the issue of animal right is sweeping the Western nations. A story was told (I can't confirm how authentic) about a research carried to determine which life is valued more - animal or human. A 3 year old child and a little dog were left wandering the street and it was discovered that the emergency 911 line received far more calls about the dog than the child. When I heard that this i thought these guys have really gone beserk. While I was thinking about all the attention given to Octopus Paul during the world cup and wondering about the state of human perversion, I was totally knocked out when I saw Zain Verje, my favourite anchor on CNN almost shedding tears when she was announcing the death and burial Octopus Paul. I concluded & safely too that this might be as a result of the fact that the basic needs of these fortunate Westerners are met and they really dont have much to worry about. But I had a gory experiece yesterday when i found myself at an accident scene on Ogbomosho-Ibadan road involving a long truck carrying rams. Human beings and rams were scattered all over the coal tar - I was shocked to my bones when I saw these Fulanis totally abandoned their injuted colleagues, left them to bleed to death while they were busy making sure that the rams do not wander off or may be get stolen.

I never knew that the Westerners learnt about the idea animal life being of more value than that of humans from us.

Just thinking...