Monday, May 10, 2010

A thought for Mothers Day

We need to take this serious!

Meg (not real name) has the body suitable for a marketing job”. This is the statement made by the General Manager of one of the many banks I worked for during my banking career in the late nineties and it summarises the war that society has declared on the female gender since the late eighties. This trend has been on the increase in the banking industry in Nigeria where young girls are recruited not really for their academic excellence or professional potential but to use their body to attract deposits to the bank.
The female gender is under a vicious attack and this seem to have caught society on its blind side to the extent that the society itself has become a very potent tool in seeing the female folk devalued and subjected to untold emotional torture. I consider myself very qualified to utter this loud voice because I was brought up virtually among females, lived my adult life with females and I have special love and concern for them–I have two females as children, I am a grandfather to one; I have seven as siblings & one as a wife; not forgetting my beloved mother who has gone to be with the Lord. I also have many of them as members of my Church.
While growing up as a young boy through secondary school, I recall that one of the signs of displaying maturity among us boys was to go talk to a girl and asked her to be your girl friend (what they call “asking out” now), it was such a tough assignment in my growing up years because girls are rated so high that you have to really be good to get their attention & nothing excites a young boy as to have a girl give you audience, but the reverse is the case today; young girls virtually beg boys, offer themselves cheaply, give all manner of suggestions for boys to “take them out, ladies will do anything to get a guy propose marriage to them to the extent of promising to write off the wedding bills, pay for accommodation and even top it with a monthly allowance.
This siege sometimes starts from the home where parents mount untold pressure on their daughters to “bring the guy home”, I don’t know when it became the responsibility of ladies to go search for a husband; this is where the seductive attires start from so that the men and the boys can take notice. Nude ladies are now the commonest sights on our streets. It does not really matter the product being advertised, there must be a naked lady to promote it. I don’t what a naked lady has to do with promoting the sale of  tyres for cars. This situation has so crushed their self esteem so much that marriage is seen as the escape route and they will stop at nothing to have the “MRS” title. The rate of depression among ladies is at an all time high.
As we celebrate mother’s day, I call on all mothers out there to take special interest in their young girls and lift their self image by making them see themselves through the eyes of their maker
My message to all young ladies – the harder you are to get, the higher that the value men place on you & the deeper the respect they have for you.