Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pastors’ Visit to the Villa

I was excited when I saw the headlines today about the Christian Leaders visit to President Yar’Adua in Aso Rock. My excitement was borne out of the hope that those concealing the truth about the President’s state of health are alt last looking for avenues to blow the lid over this mystery that has subjected our great nation to so much ridicule and shame among civilised nations. My hope was dashed when I read the story and discovered that it is another one of the schemes of those whose minds are made up to confine my dear country to the Biblical times of the Judges where every body does what seems best to them, a time of lawlessness. But when I saw the names of those mentioned to have visited, my hope was rekindled that something positive will come out of this story, It is my belief that this is a DEVELOPING STORY  and that the last has not been heard of this story. I don’t want to believe those comments credited to the renowned Kafanchan City Prophet (Emmanuel Kure) that he does not want to give details of  the visit as that may overheat the polity. In the first place, this polity is already very hot and what can actually cool it down is to take it to the ultimate boiling point after which I believe it will begin to cool down. Prophet Kure who I have great respect for and never doubt his prophetic grace could not have said that he does not want to overheat the polity, he knows too well that Biblical prophets through their lifestyles and utterances do nothing else but to overheat the polity – from the first prophet Cain to the last Old Testament Prophet John always stirred up trouble in order to establish  a lawful society, the new testament prophets like Paul causes uproar in cities because they will always declare the true situation of things by keeping people in the know. The Prophet Himself, Jesus took this trend to the summit. I am very sure that Prophet Kure will refute this soon and if he indeed visited the villa, then the whole nation will soon know the true state of our President and we will all know how to really pray for our dear president. I think the so called kitchen cabinet have shot themselves in the foot by bringing the likes of Kure into this drama. My hope has been rekindled by the comments credited to Bishop Onaiyekan who denied the visit. Another character in this saga who makes me so hopeful is Bishop Oyedepo of the Living Faith Church, who I know does not normally speak to press, but I think he is wiser than not to break that oath by at least publishing a press release or get his media department to release a statement to confirm or deny this story which I believe will put the public in a better picture as regards the the schemes of these Aso Rock rats.

The stage is set, Bishop Onaiyekan has set the ball rolling, we are waiting for the BIG ONE especially from Prophet Kure who the press has misquoted and lied against. Bishop Oyedepo’s statement will crown it all up very beautifully to take the heat of the polity to the summit and we will begin to find the way out of this socio-political quagmire.

Please stay tuned for the PROCEEDING WORD from these great men of God…