Friday, March 14, 2008


I am sorry for the long silence, I have been busy preaching this message in our Wednesday services that leaves me with no time to share it with the wider audience and i believe it is not too late to say Happy New Year or like we greeted ourselves in KCP at the dawn of the new year Happy New You.
God opened the year with us here in KCP with the words of Prophet Hanani to King Asa in 2 Chronicles Chapter 16 verse 9:
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him...NKJV
The Prophetic Word that is making rounds in the Church is that this year 2008 will be a year of new beginnings; I have the same witness but I believe this should not be received in the isolated form that it is being received in many quarters. Many see this only from the stand point of blessings, yes God will bless and He is blessing ( I am a witness) I believe that God is set to do a new thing but the “new things” will come by doing away with that which is old – old in thought, mentality, structure and pattern.Whatsoever does not meet divine standard will be done away with for this new day to dawn; just as Jesus invaded the temple to drive out those who turned the house of prayer into a den of thieves, God is invading the His temple which is hearts of men to do a purging, He is checking our motives why we do and say the things that we do and say. God is doing this because He desires for His true nature to be revealed to earth.The words of Prophet Hanani to King Asa is re-echoing throughout the whole Church today; His eyes are searching to and fro the whole earth looking for those whose hearts are fully committed to Him so that he might show Himself strong on their behalf.Some tables are going to be overturned this year. Don’t be dismayed when you see this happen. It is the hand of the Lord. God is refining the inward motives of the heart. Any work done with a selfish, self-seeking motive will not survive the refining fire.I believe that it is not just about Him doing a “new thing” but He desires people who will offer themselves to Him to work on and then through so that they can be “the new thing”.This is the Proceeding Word that we must live by in this new day.
(The full text of this message can be obtained from the Fresh Manna Ministries of The Kingdom Citizens’ Pavilion Jos Nigeria or by calling Jonathan on 234-803 718 3160)
The PowerPoint Presentation of the message can be downloaded free from our website