Friday, November 23, 2007


There is something happening on the face of the earth; it is being nurtured in the Church, it is the emergence of deliverers or saviors as the King James Bible calls it in the book of Obadiah verse 21.

Ob 21 Then saviors shall come to Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the LORD's NKJV

This message is therefore a wakeup call to everyone to check whether they are part of this company of deliverers that God is raising up within the rank and file of the Church.
What can be seen of the Church on the surface now might look like failure but as I always say that it is true that Church is failing but the Church cannot fail in the final analysis because built into the very nature of the Church is an indestructible force – whatever is born of God overcomes the world 1 Jn 5:4, also check Daniel 7:19-21.
There is the tendency to draw our conclusions based on the present outlook of the Church, but if we take a cue from the story of Israel in the Old Testament, we might be wrong because, at the very height of Israel’s subjugation in Egypt, there was something going in behind the scene which was the grooming of a man called Moses who became the deliverer of Israel from Egyptian servitude.

The same is happening in the Church today as we come to a point in our experience where the reproach is on all time high – notable ministers announcing divorce on national television & others hailing them for being “on top of their game”. The US senate is currently investigating some other “big” ministries for some questionable activities & the President/ Founder of TBN is calling the senator an agent of the devil, forgetting that Peter the apostle said that judgment must first begin in the house of God.

In the midst of all these happenings, there is a move behind the scene – a Moses generation is being raised by God.

There is the tendency for many to be deceived by these ugly occurrences and throw caution to the wind claiming that Christianity is fake – this is what the enemy wants to accomplish through these BUT God has greater plans which is to raise the level reproach to a level of groaning which is happening now & God is getting the attention of His Moses in the burning bush.
Which one are you seeing? Is the burning bush or the reproach of the Church?

The Divine intent for these emerging saviors is to fulfill the prophecy of Rev 11:15 – to deliver the kingdoms of this world to our God.

The Proceeding Word NOW is a call to all to see to it that all of our actions and activities must now be appraised on the basis of the extent to which they contribute to the coming of the kingdom of God in the earth.

We need to ask the question: What does it mean for the kingdom of God to come? What has to be in place before we can say that the kingdom of God has come? Is it when people fill the church; is it when souls are saved?

When can we claim that the kingdom of God is here?

It is when the church begins to experience the activities of saviors; when deliverers begin to arise from the church. Not those looking for salvation, but they themselves are saviors, not those looking for deliverance, but themselves are deliverers.

We can safely say the kingdom of God has come, when the values, powers, dominion and influence of God is in place in the life, first of all of an individual, then it spreads into the environment. People must be thinking God’s thoughts; people must be in absolute submission to His opinion.

The disciples had the experience of the Holy Ghost in the upper room and from there like wild fire, the effect of their experience entered into every home.
The kingdom of God has come when God is the primary beneficiary of whatever we do on earth, when the motivation for whatever we do on earth, is to make sure that the kingdom of God is in place, that is when He gets the glory. But it takes saviors to do it.

We live in a time when prophecies are been fulfilled in acceleration, what we read in scriptures are playing out, but because the volume of the troubles around us are louder than what God is doing, we seem not to know & the purpose of this message is to sensitize us to see and most importantly participate in what God is doing.
When we say saviors are coming from Zion and the kingdom will be the Lord’s, it is not something to begin to celebrate and rejoice about but our response should be to check our lives whether we qualify to be in the company of these saviors?
Whenever we hear such declarations, it must birth a desire to know how God fulfills prophecies. There is a way God fulfills prophecies.
Prophecies are given and fulfilled by a process called God human partnership.
God all by Himself will not fulfill what he says. Wherever God wants to say something he will look for a yielded vocal cord that will not be intimated by the faces of men; not be intimated by culture or tradition or experience; not allow himself to be deceived by what God is telling him has not happened before.
Many of us cannot speak for God, because we are intimidated by people, circumstances, positions, and experience. But those who wouldn’t be intimated are those known as prophets. And you don’t need to have spent so long knowing God to be a prophet; you just need to be yielded. When God wants to accomplish what he had said to a people or a person, he will also wait for the person to come in agreement with him.
God’s intention for us is not to be a people who look into the Bible for promises to claim, but a people who look into the Bible for prophecies that God wants to fulfill and partner with him; we must become people who will offer their lives to make sure that God realize his intention on the face of the earth. If Obadiah prophecies about saviors coming, I want to position myself to ask God what are the strategies and principles that will bring saviors to Zion, because the kingdom been yours is predicted on that.
Rev 11:15, Dan 7:19 – 21
Judgment is being made today in favor of the saints and they are being released to posses the kingdom, all these prophesies have one goal – the coming of the kingdom of God to influence the earth. Because it has been prophesied the kingdom must become the Lord’s, the saints must posses the kingdom, because if the world is not under the influence, the control and management of God’s saints, God doesn’t have access to it. So the saints possessing the kingdom, the kingdom is the Lord’s is the same thing.
Whatever we’re doing on this earth, God is doing it through us, and it must be primarily for his benefit. You can’t be fulfilled on earth except God is receiving pleasure; your fulfillment on earth is predicated on God’s pleasure.
It’s one thing to know what God wants done and accomplish, it’s another thing to know the process of accomplishment. We must go beyond knowing what, we must know the how.
In Obadiah we see the how saviors /deliverers emerge: a distinction, conflict & subsequent separation between the house of Jacob becoming fire & the house of Esau becoming stubble.
This is going to be the state of things, in these times; you will either be fire or stumble, because the Bible says every man’s work will be tested of fire to know what sort it is. Daniel spoke about the conflict between the saints and the four beasts; four is the number of the earth, horns talk of authority. This is talking about the powers of the earth warring against the saints of God and prevailing.
The temporary prevailing is what is deceiving a lot of people, they don’t know that it will last for a while, because there is an “until” there. Until the ancient of days will rise up and give judgment in favor of the saints. These are dangerous powers, for as many that will go into the marketplace, needs to know this; but we know that the end result of the battle, because it is impossible for darkness to defeat light, righteousness will win at the end. The temporary victory of the horns is deceiving many. Regardless of the state of the church now, it is wise to side with it, because the church might be failing, but the church wouldn’t fail.
How does God brings deliverance to nations? He does so by raising deliverers, Exodus 3: 4 – 11
When a nation cries to God, in their oppression for deliverance, the way that God response is to look for deliverers. Moses is a case in point of how God delivers nations. Israel cried to God because of their affliction of their taskmasters and this cry came to God and this is the way God responded, God responded by praying to a man. They wanted deliverance, God said this is the way I deliver I raise deliverers, so God wants to raise deliverers in Nigeria, are you going to be part of them?
Looking at the scripture, at the life of Moses, we see the reason for all the favors, the reason why God delivered him, while other Hebrew children were been killed, the reason for the miraculous protection, for been positioned in the palace, is to prepare. Every blessing you have received in your life, all the privileged people you have met, the place you’ve been privileged to visit, every exposure that you have been given in life, is to prepare you to be a deliverer. Moses been saved from death, is not for the parents to rejoice, it was God doing His thing, God needed a savior and He was protecting him.
Life is not all about you, your life is borrowed you must pay back.
The end point of whatever you become in life is to produce a deliverer in you, if it does not, you are a failure. The true must dawn on us, that God will deploy us as deliverers. The way God answers prayer for the restoration of a nation’s integrity and pride, is to raise deliverers.
Judges 3:9, 15
It is time to come to terms with this truth, that the nations cannot be transformed by political process; a nation can only be transformed and reformed through a spiritual restoration, not through political machinery. Any meaningful national restoration, begins when the people of God, begin to live by their convictions which are the values of the kingdom of God. And it begins with you, you beginning to live by your professed faith and are willing to die for it.
Isaiah 59: 14
God is looking for men that will stand in the gap between that nations and him. Who are these men? They are those with spine, to take a stand and challenge the present lawlessness; there is a lawlessness that is close to you, in your office, in your home and amongst your peers - it begins form there. These men are those that will listen to the message of the cross and see how it translates to national reformation, they are the ones that will put a social face to their salvation.
God is looking for churches who can add values.
Imagine if 65% of the church in Nigeria or in your country were to close down, what will your nation miss? Bringing it down what if you’re to move from your neighborhood what will they miss? If you move from your office, what will they miss?
God calls a person a man, only when he/she identifies with God’s values, and stands for truth and justice, because it is then that the kingdom of God comes. These are the kind of Christians, God is looking for today, cos it’s time to take action.
It is time to add works, to our preaching, this is because a deliverer doesn’t only gives answers, not just prefer solutions, he is the solution, he is solution personified. Only the church can engage in social works for the right reasons, because only the church has the juice to be right. That is why we must become messengers in our message that is when messages produce unprecedented results. So any time there is a national affliction, what moves God is not the cries, what he is looking for, his focus is the emergence of deliverers. So the accurate way to cry is to present you saying, I am ready to pay the price to being a deliverer.
There is a cry in Nigeria and in nations of the world today for things to be done right.
This was the state that Israel found them selves, and the way God responded then is the same way God wants to response in our times. When you no longer enjoy what you used to enjoy, when what used to give you satisfaction begins to lose it meaning, then that is when God raises deliverers. God loves Nigeria, he grieves over Nigeria, but the way he shows his grief is that he looks for deliverers, are you going to be available?
Deliverers are people, who just not pray, they become God’s answers to prayers. Deliverers are people who know how to take responsibility. Just like Nehemiah, Daniel, & Gideon. You can’t distance yourself from the problems in Nigeria, you can be a deliverer. Taking responsibility begins from that repentance, Lord we have missed it. When people pray for deliverance, God prays to a man, and He is praying too many of us today.
The importance of this message, the heart of the message is for us to know there are many out there heeding the call, there is a generation of deliverers out there, God has come so that he might include us.
Deliverers are people who know how to take responsibility, when God sees these kinds of people; it is to them he delivers his plans. But the moment God commits his plans to your hands; you must be ready for confrontations. Because there is no change without confrontations. It must begin with you, you must begin to confront those unpatriotic attitudes, then God can use you as a standard.
We can pray for the kingdom to come all we want, the kingdom will only come when deliverers arrive; those who will put a social face on their Christianity, those who will pursue being a relevant church. Do you want to be part of it?
…to be continued