Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I woke up this morning with a feeling I always dread having; my two lovely girls are packed up to go back to school after three months of vacation – I always don’t look forward to this day because I miss them so much. I just dropped them at the park and trying to focus my thoughts on my preaching schedule in this evening's mid week service.
I have a great burden for my girls and always seek God’s face for them to turn out good in life especially in the midst of this crooked and perverse generation of low waist line jeans trousers and belly button showing tops – these were the contemplations of my mind when I switched on my laptop to start putting materials together for the evening service and I happened on a youth ministry website and I read through a wonderful article on Nehemiah and he responded to God’s call to build the fallen walls of Jerusalem.
My eyes suddenly opened to see what I need to do about the burden that I carry for my two girls.
I have always loved to minister to youths of 18-34 years, infact most of my Church members are in this age bracket, I recently reorganized our youth ministry and brought them under my direct supervision, BUT it has ended there, I have not really done much to deliberately decided to impact these young boys and girls with the life that God has patterned for me.
It suddenly dawned on me that it is not enough to as good as it is to mourn, pray and plan as Nehemiah did and as I have been doing, it is most important to go ahead and execute the prayed plan as exemplified by Nehemiah.
God spoke to my heart thought this article this morning that in as much as I don’t have my two lovely girls with me, I have many of their likes under my direct influence always, I must begin to do something about their lives on a well intentional and deliberate basis.
God did something awesome through Nehemiah and his team in 52 days, the walls were built and honour, glory and praise went up to God.
The walls of the lives of many youths and young adults are broken down today, they are plagued by serious lack of fulfillment, and life is fast losing its appeal for this potentially gifted humans; for most the gifting are being misapplied – statistics on teenage pregnancy and youth school dropouts are helpful but will not proffer solutions to the problem.
This article came to me as the report of Hanani (he is the guy that brought the situation report to Nehemiah from Jerusalem, if you have never read the book of Nehemiah, please do, it is a page turner, it’s on page 335 of my Bible “lol”). The report has jolted me to pick up the pieces of my life and ministry and release to these boys and girls and young adults with what God has enabled to see and learn of life.
For starters, we are revisiting the BOOT CAMP( our youth program whose walls are broken down) – if you are reading my blog from the city of Jos and environs in Nigeria, please contact Ayo Chima our youth ministry leader on 08036097456 or email for details of this reloaded BOOT CAMP, or you may wish to call me directly on 08055232735 or email .
Thank you very much, Brother Jim, I will like to let you know that your article has rekindled a fresh fire in me and I am glad to know that the threads team are hanging in there with us as we rebuild the broken down lives of our youths and young adults.
Now! My heart is at peace as regards the truth that my two lovely girls are destined for greatness and are difference makers.
It’s back to the BOOT CAMP to adopt the Nehemiah model.
You may wish to read Jim’s article by visiting .
Thank you for being a part of my day, I miss my girls…


Pastor Dot